The Master and Brethren of Burbach Lodge are pleased to welcome you to this web-site which has now been operational for almost ten years and this latest update to the design was implemented in 2012. This first venture by the Lodge into this techno-driven method of communication has proved a great success receiving praise not only from the Members of this Lodge but from much further afield. It has been our aim for the site from its start in the autumn of 2006, to develop into our prime source of communication with both our members and the broader community who may now or in the future, have an interest in Freemasonry, and in particular the Burbach Lodge.
The Lodge meets at the Masonic Hall in Hinckley, Leicestershire which is a market town in the heart of England. It is one of four Craft Lodges which meets together with three side degrees in this Masonic Centre, an art-deco building which was originally erected in 1927 and which has undergone major renovation work during 2011.